As with any large appliance, it’s important to know how to choose between garage door repair and installation. It may be more worth your resources to repair the garage door, or it may be more worth it to have a new one installed. As experts, we’re here to help you make the decision that is most financially sound for you.
Consider the following factors to help you decide between garage door repair and installation:
Cost Comparison
- How much does it cost for the necessary parts and to repair the door?
- How much would it cost to buy and install a new door?
- Do I have enough in my budget for replacement, or is repair the only option I can afford?
Age / Lifespan
- How old is your garage door? If it’s fairly new, it’s likely made of stronger better materials and more worth repairing. If it’s older, it may be time for something better, rather than investing in something that may not last much longer.
- How well-insulated is your door? More insulation could save you on energy costs.
- How safe is your door? Newer doors have better technology for stopping when a child or object is in the line of the closing door.
- Are there factors that may cause your door to need recurring repairs, or will the repairs completed increase the lifespan of the door dramatically?
Future Plans
- Will you be selling your home in the next few years? This may be a good time to select a new style that is universally appealing.
Using these tips you can decide between garage door repair and installation based on the diagnosis we give for the repair costs and the options you have for a new door and installation.