There is no end to the opportunities you’ll have as a homeowner to decide between repair or replacement. Almost everything breaks down eventually – appliances, furniture, electronics, and even your home’s garage door. Sometimes the cost to repair is minimal compared to replacement so it is an easy decision. In other situations, it may not be as cut-and-dry, as there are other factors involved to consider. If you are trying to decide between repairing your garage door and having it replaced instead, here are a few tips.
- Is it repairable? Not all problems are repairable, so garage door installation may be the only solution.
- Cost to repair. Get a quote for both garage door repairs and garage door installation to see how wide the gap is between them. It might not be as much as you think.
- Age of garage door. Sometimes an asset is just too old to consider rejuvenating. Maybe a car can turn into a classic one day, but for almost everything else, including garage doors, being past its prime is reason enough for new garage door installation.
- Style of garage door. Most people agree that fixing an ugly door won’t make it suddenly beautiful. If you have an outdated style, it is well worth replacing it with something modern to improve the value of your home.
- Type of garage door. It never hurts to learn about other types of garage doors to determine if changing yours could give you additional benefits. For example, garage door installation to upgrade to an insulated one could be worth the investment to you.
At Kempenfelt Overhead Doors, we are happy to discuss in depth the benefits involved on each side of this decision. We’ll answer all your questions so you can decide based on facts. Whether you choose repair or garage door installation, count on us to provide quality materials and precise workmanship so your home or business is secure and we have met your objectives.